Rabbit Removal in Rochester, NY
Not in the Rochester area? See below for a list of the counties we service.
Rabbit, Eastern Conttontail (Sylvilagus Floridanus)
How to tell if you have a nuisance rabbit: You have seen the rabbit. Your garden may have been raided. A rabbit will eat just about anything other than the tomatoes. However it may be difficult to determine that it was a rabbit unless observed, as other animals love your plants, and vegetables.
A rabbit will not dig a hole in your yard. It will however take up residence in a skunk or woodchuck burrow. But they normally reside in depressions in your lawn or property. They usually have a home range of 1 – 14 acres which they will shift from depending on food source and weather fluctuation.
Females usually have a litter size of 2 upto 8, most are in the 4-5 range. Breeding begins in late February – September with a gestation period of 28 days. Female rabbits can have up to 6 litters a year.
The best form of rabbit control is not trapping. There are so many rabbits that trapping one will not stop another from taking its place. Exclusion and habitat modification are your best bet for rabbit control. Some examples of habitat modification would be removing dense cover, wood and brush pile removal, and removing any overgrowth that would attractive to rabbits. Some fencing may need to be installed around gardens/plants/bushes to protect them from rabbits (also reduces food source).
If you are in Rochester, NY or any of the surrounding areas we can help rid you of your Unwanted guests.
We proudly service all of Monroe county, Genesee County, Livingston County, Ontario County, Wyoming County, Wayne County, and Yates County. Not on the list? Give us a call odds our we service your area as well!
Call Eviction Nuisance Wildlife Control today and schedule a inspection. We can give you an estimate, and perform the work that needs to be done to keep peter cottontail away. Eviction Nuisance wildlife control offers Rabbit removal and control in and around Rochester, NY 585-330-8786